Reunited & It Feels So Good

Reunited & It Feels So Good

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

My 10 year old son's 4th grade teacher shared during a recent parent teacher conference that she needed some games for her classroom. Really! Games! So after a week of extra thrifting, I donated some unique games that I hope Ian's classmates will enjoy.

The aMAZEing Labyrinth 1986
Sorry Sliders
Apples to Apples
The Hulk Busts Lose
Rivers, Roads & Rails 1969
Pirateer (a MENSA selection)
A Burger King Twister variant that uses fingers!
A neat wooden box edition Stratego

Plus it's time to start thrifting games for the Secret Thrifting Santa project on the Board Game Geek web site. I've collect three neat Star Wars games to give away; Stratego Star Wars, Clash of the Light Sabers, & Star War Simon variant.

I got to give a shout out to the Desoto Boys Cross Country team that finished 3rd at state this past weekend that included a first place finish by a Desoto Boy!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gaming with my son Ryan (1 of 3)

Ryan is home from Kansas University for the fall break & joined me at game night. We played Quarriors, and Resident Evil the deck building card game. Both games were fun, and Ryan easily won Quarriors by recruiting his dragon twice thus gaining the most glory / victory points.

This past two weeks has not produced much in the way of thrifting for games. However since my last blog entry, I did find the inspiration to King Oil, Gushers. A 60 year old rare / hard to find game about drilling for oil.

I have also returned to painting as I purchased the Dreadfleet last week, and it includes 10 pirate ship gaming models. I will post pictures soon.

One last quick note, Ian had a sleep over with four buddies and I treated them to a game of Catacombs; a disc flicking dungeon crawl. The final catacomb lord was the dragon!